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Our Policy
  • To help the farmers, processors, industrialists and all others who depend on tuber crops for their livelihood
  • To promote the marketing of tuber crops
  • Free registration in this site

Seasonal fluctuation in the prices of tuber crops creates a very difficult situation for the farmers. Though there exists a great demand for their commodity in different parts of the world, they are not aware of it and hence are not able to have a deal with them. So ICAR-CTCRI has developed an online market system to help farmers, processors, industrialists and all others who depend on tuber crops for their livelihood. This market is named as TOMS i.e. Tuber Crops Online Marketing System. Anybody can register in this market free of cost with their address, mobile number, email id etc. The buyers and sellers can post in this site the information about the commodity they want to sell/buy. That information will be sent to the mobile of all the members in the form of SMS as well as to their e-mail.

View messages
Messages posted by sellers and buyers of different tuber crops can be seen by following the links given below. You may contact the buyer/seller at their mobile number to have a deal
Sweet potato
Price table on 27-07-2024
Crop. Max Price(Rs/Ql)
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